Catching up

Hello, it’s me again :)
I can’t believe that it has been almost 3 months since I’ve written my last post. Ending of 2019 was very hectic, as pretty much every ending of every year I guess. Then I ask myself why do I keep doing this, why do I leave everything for the end? This year’s resolution is definitely to figure out how to have a nice and relaxing December that I can enjoy, travel, spend time with friends and family. 

This post doesn’t have any specific topic but catching up :) 

First I would like to say and promise that there are some very interesting posts coming in the next weeks. Some new books, exhibitions, people. Also there, might, be some topics that I am not really sure how people are going to react to it, but hey, it’s my blog after all.

Some things I’ve been working on for the past months are:

  1. writing my own book.. I started one and there are two more that might be published this year, hopefully

  2. I have been working on some workshops that should be very interesting, I will keep you posted, one of them is coming sooner than you think

  3. and also myself.. my attitude in 2019 was super off, I would often say that I feel like someone took over my life and is living it in an opposite way that I would.. now is the time to kick that person out and take over the control :)

That would be all for now,

See you soon :)


March 2020 we will all remember!


Best cafes in Berlin in my opinion!